Copyright 2005, 2007 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
August 10, 2005 webcast
Transcript of Q & A with Master Kirael and Pat Crosby.
Pat: Aloha, Master Kirael!
Pat: LAUGHTER! I am filled with renewed gratitude for all the precious teachers I've had in my life!
MK: Yeah! Isn't it amazing! You being one of them!
Pat: Thank you! Mahalo! I'm learning!
MK: You're one of the learning-est people I know! The changes in your life right now, that I think are absolutely phenomenal that I think you are doing for all the right reasons. For that reason I say, the streams are opening! How can I be of service today?
Pat: I appreciate that Master Kirael!
My question is about abundance. As I had mentioned to you a few weeks ago, my income suddenly disappeared by about 75-80% effectively. So I have been trying to work with the suggestion you gave me to re-create my income through a thought process and I'm sure that many people - I'm not the only one on the planet in this situation that this has happened to.
MK: Oh no!
Pat: (Laughing!) I am wondering if you could give a little bit more explanation and guidance on how to do that.
MK: Sure I can! But you know, Pat, how much I love you because you've been so nice to my medium and to other people in this world. And you ARE a teacher. This we know.
And when I was talking to you about re-creating your income streams it is not - I don't ever pretend anything is easy...if it is easy, what is the sense of my coming here across the seventh dimension to talk about it, right? If it is easy, every body is doing it anyway. What I am trying to tell you is ...
Were you listening when we were talking about the eyeball before? And how it regenerates itself every 24 hours? It is the SAME thing when you go to re-create new streams. And I can see the streams leading to you that just - that just - are out of your reach for some reason right now. And so I'm gonna push on my end a little bit but you're gonna have to pull on your end a little bit. Because it's just like my medium talks about the eyeball and how you get to change it and stuff like that.
And I'm telling you right now - you're a gift to the world. That's the first thing you need to know. You, Pat, are a gift to the world. You know that on some level, but you don't need to admit it because it would sound like you are running from ego. And I know that.
But what I am telling you is that the shift that I was talking about - the streams that you were using for your prosperity were actually - not detrimental - they were very good. It's just that some of the people involved with it kind of twisted it a little bit. And that being the case, that's why you can't do that.
You now have to look at those streams I'm talking about that are just a hair out of your reach and you're going to have to press harder than you've ever pressed before.
So here's my advice: DOUBLE whatever you're doing for meditation right now and get your SLEEP-STATE PROGRAMMING right and pick up that quill and parchment and start doing a daily writing EVERY DAY on HOW TO CREATE THE STREAMS THAT KAHU & KIRAEL ARE TALKING ABOUT.
And then you just write the question, just sit, take a deep breath and bring some prana energies into your system and then simply let your conscious write to you. Just write ANYTHING that comes to mind. Write it down as fast as you can.
When you're all through, call up a friend! CALL UP A FRIEND! NOW DON'T SKIP THIS PART NOW PAT! Call up a friend and say, Look, it's me the pest again because I got another writing and I just need to read it to somebody. Would you be willing to listen?
About the third one of these, your friend is going to say: "Willing? I can't WAIT for it because the information WILL come through you, My Friend. You're already an active channel. The information is going to come through from another world. Maybe we can take all that and put it in a little textbook someplace and teach people. Because, you know what you said Pat? Many people are going through what you are going through right now.
Would you be willing to try it with me?
Pat: I'm so excited! When do we start? Are we starting already?
MK: TONIGHT! I will be where you are tonight (I almost said where you are, but I wouldn't!) I'll be where you are tonight and I'll drop me first message into the bucket with you, alright?
MK: God Bless and MaHAlo!
Pat: MaHAlo!
Dave Bower: Thank you Pat! And thank you Master Kirael! That's GREAT advice for ANYBODY who is feeling a little stuck in creating something new.
MK: I want to expand that and help her - help a lot of people with that.
Dave: Sounds like a great idea!
MK: Karin, you can put that into German!
Dave: Thank you, Master Kirael!
So here is the first "drop in the bucket" Master Kirael talked about!
Transmission #1
August 10, 2005
ABUNDANCE is Streams of light . Through meditation, the streams of light can reach going through our filters into our inner sphere and core of light.
Master Kirael ( says streams of light are all around me...just a little out of reach. Through doubling of my meditation techniques, I will contact and flow with these streams.
Thus one of the many powers of meditation is to close off the artificial restrictions and barriers that keep us from the unceasing ever-flowing channels of God's love and light. Meditation breaks down the artifical barriers.
There are no truthful or real barriers between the creator and the creation. The
power of the creation is in us and in every cell of our being.
We are only cut off from the creator's cosmic abundance by artificial filters we place over ourselves to have the experience of lack. The experience of lack is a very artifical experience, as in God's universe, there truly exists no lack.
Connect my core light with the streams of universal light abundance!
Master Kirael - closing statement on broadcast ( ) 8/10/05:
"Imagine that you could live in a world where you surrounded yourself with people who only spoke the truth to each other. Speak nothing but the help you god creator...and see what happens to your world."
While on a starlight night walking meditation that very night of the broadcast, Master Guide Kirael came to me. He began interweaving strands and columns of golden light beams into my chakras as I was walking under the glorious twinkling stars on our rural country road:
* Head and brain for thinking patterns and connection.
* Heart chakra for emotional acceptance and clearings.
* Navel for power of acceptance and power of manifestation. And for emotional fortitude and strength.
* Second chakra for power of creativity and regeneration.
Through the power of walking, streams of abundance can manifest in the physical plane. My body opens up to be able to receive the streams of divine light, carrying all the blessings of the universe into my cellular consciousness and breathing. Exercise brings the power of the prana breath into the play of divine consciousness and empowerment.
All this is SO exciting!!!
Walking into the night sky is like walking into the cosmic void. So still. So dark. So quiet. So empty. So pregnant with possibilities. Powerful pinpoints of lights far distant - streaming their capabilities of endless potentialities into the infinite reaches of mind and space. The nighttime is a great time for reprogramming the endless possibilites into our cellular consciousness and human systems.
PRANA BREATHING - So important for downloading the higher frequency programs into our human systems. Through breathing, the chakras and energy systems are activated and great gulps of the cosmic air pregnant with cosmic possibilities and breathed and sucked into our human systems. The mixing and stirring of the cosmic breath of possibilities with our human breath of capabilities is a divine mix of potent possibilities.
Now I surrender myself into the sweet embrace of the sleepstate as the curling tendrils of the creator's love permeate and circulate throughout my entire being - caressing and uplifting me into ever higher states of consciousness and divine manifestation. Thank you Lord God Creator of the Universe - who resides inside me and everywhere outside me too. There is no place where you, God, are not. Open my eye of divine realization that I may know that, Oh Supreme God Creator of the Universe.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of the jungles of life, I am ever renewed and refreshed in your spirit, Oh Lord. Your spirit of divine love, self-giving, and acceptance. With merit for all, and love of self. We accept your gifts, Oh Divine Source - evergiving presence of the universe. And we give thanks for your supreme LOVE, oh one inside us and around us everywhere.
Oh Angel of Abundance! Please permeate me with your light of abundance. And make me a perfect vehicle and recipient of your light. Let every cell of my being radiate with your divine abundance, electricity, and power. Let me generate endless streams of the light of divine abundance - in every direction in all dimensions to all creatures of God's creations. Let all be fulfilled and satisfied and rest in the supreme love of the creator God. We are all blessed in abundance manifold and manifested.
I love that all this abundance energy is flowing through me. How quickly Master Kirael has delivered on and fulfilled his promise to come to me tonight and begin our accelerated abundance training - that it might help all the peoples of the world unite and uplift themselves and each other!
ABUNDANCE FROM PAT. Oh, Queen of Streams. I am sleepstate programming with Master Kirael and the legions of the Angels of Abundance - to saturate EVERY cell and particle of my being with Divine light particles of Abundance.
Copyright C 2005 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
Next day (after sleep-state programming):
Message from the
Legion of Angels of Abundnce
August 11, 2005
Visions & Remembrances from Last Night (Sleep State Programming) plus information received today.
"Spread your wings, my dear
people, and cherish your god-given abundance."
Did you not come from the starry heavens? Is your DNA not loaded with the abundance matrices from highest dimensions. Are not the divine legions of angels watching over you - protecting, guiding, mentoring you. Sending you resources, people, and inspiration to help you flourish and multiply here on this earth plane. Is this not all part of the creator's great plan for you and We the People. Spread your wings, my dear people, and cherish your god-given abundance.
YOU deserve it!
You ARE it!
My Experience in Writing This Transmission
Last night before sleeping time, I did a powerful invocation of Legions of Angels of Abundance. Opened myself up with yogic techniques of breathing, etc. to receive these streams of light and allow them to casade and flow through every nook and cranny and fiber of my being.
SAPHIRE BLUE is the current color of the abundance vibration at this time on this planet. It can change at different times.
An Exercise in Realizing Abundance
Explore how Abundance is appreciated in different cultures. Different ways the legions and streams of abundance have been recorded and noted in different cultures. Here are just a few examples:
* Abundance Angels invocations and empowerments.
* Laksmi (Indian Goddess of Abundance & Wealth)
* photos and music.
* Survey of abundance angels in different cultures: African, Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, indigenous,etc.
* Tools that open up people's powers of abundance and meditation.
* Abundance Meditation tools.
* OM chants - from different cultures and traditions.
* Meditation & Abundance essential oils (See resources at end of transcriptions.)
"Need to create abundance and financial wealth for yourself".
See postscript at end of this book for some practical abundance suggestions.
In UNITY there is strength for
is power phrase to be used a lot.
Power for
comes through angelic intervention and activates by
prana breathing through the navel center as you
mentally repeat this phrase.
The signature set The Ten Principles CD collection is a powerful agent of transformation & enlightenment. Many of the priciples referred to in this Abundance Channel book are explained in great detail by 7th dimension shift guide, Master Kirael in this transformative CD set.

" Thank you for what you are doing!
Love and blessings,
Joanna, Founder, A.M.I."
"I have several of this laminated angels being images around my house...they always continue to uplift and inspire me and bring JOY to my heart!"

AUGUST 12, Friday 2005
Today's subject is wealth
Wealth is first of all of 3 kinds. Spiritual, mental, emotional. Later and lastly, comes physical wealth. But first, one must clear oneself, cleanse oneself, of mental and emotional debris.
Mental and emotional debris is of many kinds. It can consist of old thought patterns that have worn thin and no longer serve. Debris can consist of old worn and tattered emotional wounds, that have festerered, grown over, absessed, and now buried deep in the subconscious woundage area.... still sending out their diseased filaments - something like a metastisizing cancer -
corrupted twisted light threads, bringing their cancerous vibrations everywhere.
I say "everywhere", my Friend, because a corrupt energy pattern radiates its own misgivings and misinformation everywhere around it. And just like drops of sewerage water in a clean cistern can contaminate and spread filth and vileness everywhere - and just like a cancer can become fully grown and infiltrate a person everywhere in their system even when the person is not aware of it - so suddenly the filthy and corrupt filament - thread of darkened light, can spread its poison throughout a person's mind, heart, emotionals, and eventually physically system. Then their wallet and banking acount system become infected and may eventually die! Death by corruption!
Dirty systems, corruption, rust, corrosion - all not nice words to describe a disgusting condition that can only poison you, my Friend.
How does one get clean and keep clean. How do you clean your templates? Well, many traditions have many answers.
Tried and trusted ones include, being useful to others. Being of service. Putting others first with yourself.
Notice we say WITH your self, not behind or in front of yourself, but WITH yourself. Offering to others. Offering to the earth and systems of nature - as indigenous cultures do. By offering and giving, you stay in good cycle arrangement with the other parts of the creation, of which you are just one cell. If you put yourself first above others, and take more than your due, YOU then become a cancerous cell in nature'sss production, and spread death, dis-ease and destruction wherever you turn. Beginning with your own cellular creation.
Sometimes, it will seem there is NOT only death, disease and destruction around you. Well, it is true, not many beings can pull that off 100%. Just as not one body becomes 100% made up of cancerous dis-eased cells. That is because, my Friends, there are other friendly, healthy, and light-filled streams and rivers and currents around you.
So even as you may be creating darkened energies in the field of abundance, through your litany of woes, your complaints, your ingratitude, your cheating and filching in big and little ways and such, other streams are en-lightening the dark debris you may be putting out. This intermixing is known as a confused stream of consciousness. Hence you will get confused and mixed results....some things light and full of health and great ease, and other things twisted, dark, confused, and full of dis-ease. Including your financial pocket books.
So in the process of becoming a fully abundant human being, you need to learn to inspect your creative output every day. Set aside a session wherein you daily inspect the output of what you are creating. Is it healthy, uplifting, full of gratitude for the Lord's creation. Full of giving and abundant gestures. Helping and supporting others?
Wherein are you creating dark pollutted streams. Are they little streams, or big rivulets, or gushing currents.
You can learn which kind of stream it is by checking the registering on the meters of your body, mind and spirit.
Do you feel dispirited, sad, disillussioned, down in the dumps? Look, that very word "dumps" shows it is full of garbag. Do you lag in energy? Are persons, and situations in your life not happy and uplifting?
You get the picture. Negativity breeds more negativity which breeds dis-eases of body, mind and spirit. If your human container is full of these dark emotions, thought patterns and other outputs, how can the high frequency of financial success and abundance magnetize to you and stick to you and support you on your journey?
The Angels of Abundance would like to talk to you! You may ask questions about your own sacred journey through this lifetime, strategies and whatever else pleases your mind, heart, and soul in a private session. Details at end of transcriptions.
Copyright C 2005 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
Some people may think that abundance only flows one way. From the creator to us, or from others to us. They think that they only have the power to ask for something, and then wait to receive it as a a beggar waits passively for a bowl of good or a few coins thrown into the begging bowl.
But, Dear Hearts , it is not like that at all. ABUNDANCE IS A PARTNERSHIP. A partnership between you and the creator, and a partnership between you and others. As one gives, another receives. And as another one gives, you receive. It is like a beautiful dance. A heavenly dance.
Imagine trying to dance if one partner just wants to sit down on a chair and watch the other? No movement, no partnership, no dance. No giving and taking. No accepting, and no receiving.
So the creator is no different. First of all, the creator IS you, is us, is me, is you. But for the fun of the dance, we pretend we are two. We pretend we are multi-faceted. So then, we must also PRETEND to give and take.
You take, I give. You give, I take. Then the dance is fluid, flowing, graceful, exciting, erratic. But it is a dance. HIGHLY ENTERTAINING. And it can be spellbinding drama. Yet it is all a dance!
Think of it like sex. When you have sex, one person doesn't just lie there and the other person does all the activity. No, that is not real sex, not dancing sex. It can be one person getting off on another, one person USING another for self-centered gains, but not a real partnership, not real giving and receiving, and not really fun.
Something endured, but not looked forward to.
No, in any activity, where there is relationship, the fun, the adventure, the learning, the joys, the victories, all come from interchanging energies, and letting the energies flow and intertwine and connect, and make new creations.
The joy of creation. R emember how when you were a little child, you LOVED to draw ? Or finerpaint, or make things in clay Just for the fun of it. And the learning of it. The fun of learning!
So creating abundance is no different. It is a creative fun dance between you and others and you and the creator.
There should be no struggle, no angst, no hard and bitter efforts. Just fun fun fun of creating, having fun and making joy together.
So Dear Hearts, kindly ask for the gifts of abundance to flow to you. And then dance and receive your gifts in an expressive joyful manner. Use your gifts to seed others with abundance. Use your gifts to bring joy to yourself and others. Don't use your gifts to monopolize and terrorizie and control others. There is no fun in that!
In indigenous language, they talk of the hoop....the sacred hoop. The complete circle of all the activities and parts of the great cycling wheels of life. Each soul works to keep the hoop unbroken...whichever part their own daily life touches and intersects with. And if some part did become broken, then to work to heal and reconnect it.
So the SACRED HOOP OF ABUNDANCE is also to be mended and kept unbroken. By giving and receiving freely, with delight, with joy, by dancing with the sacred energies - not shutting them down in fear or fear of lack of insufficiency - one allows the creation to put forth greater and greater cycles of abundance - for one and for all.
MONDAY AUGUST 15, 2005 Transmission # 4
I asked Master Guide Kirael for sleep-state programming to take me to these realms of the source of all abundance in the universe...the creator's treasury department to gather information and do research to bring back to you, Dear Human World! So here is what happened and what I learned last night!
Abundance is a manifold proposition. It is of two kinds. Inside and Outside.
Inner wealth is your spirit storehouse treasury of memories, recollections, experiences and joyful encounters with the divine presence that lives and expresses from within you.
Outer wealth is that which you see all around it. It is of such limitless variety that you can never take it all in, can never count it.
Just look at a tree! It is covered with an abundance of needles or leaves. Millions and millions, or billions of them. You can never count them all. And each year, the tree gets a million or billion new ones. She never cries when her leaves and needles fall away, for she knows a newer and fresher supply is already being prepared within her own resources combined with the limitless resources of nature to create a new batch of them. Indeed, she is even joyous when her old needles fall away, as she knows in just a little time she will be redecorated, recovered, reclothed with a new and pretty and fresh batch of shimmering, living, woven particles.
And being the good recycler that she is, she knows that the old leaves and needles that fall away from her will replenish the ground at her feet with new minerals, and other plant foods that her roots have removed and carried from deep within the earth up to the surface for the abunance of all the living creatures at the surface who cannot journey underground to get the treasures
stored there in every particle of dirt.
So when you look at a tree, My Friend, you are seeing a great storehouse of the wealth of the creation...a living breathing sytem that is constantly cycling the gifts of nature from one dimension to another. From the air it breaths in the carbon dioxide and transmutes it into oxygen that nourishes and replenishes other living creatures, and gives joy to their existence by giving them sweet and plentiful life-giving air to breathe.
Many great hymns have been written in praise of the simple beauty and great wealth giving abundance of the tree family. Do you remember the poem about a tree by the great American poet.... Joyce Kilmer 1886–1918
I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bos0m snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree. ***********************************************************************************
And when a tree finishes the living part of its cycle, it donates its body to charity...maybe wood for the building you are living in. Or for the chair you are sitting in. Certainly for the desk I am sitting at - typing these words into this laptop. Or its wood warms other creatures in the form of fire, or cooks their food. Or its wood can lie down and release the treasure house of nutrient it has saved over its life time and generously bequeaths them to any and all living creatures who pass by...such as ants, assorted insects and worms, fungus and mushrooms of the plant weave of the creator's loom, nutrients on the forest floor for new growth to spring up from while they gain their strength in the nursery of the tree's rich storehouse of food and shelter.
And we have not even begun to mention her cooling sustaining shade, her gorgeous flowers that birds, butterflies and humans all adore, her recyling and circulation of the water element to keep the surrounding area balanced with moisture. There is no end to the glory of a simple tree and her great gifts to life and the creation. H0w perfect she is!
If a beautiful and simple tree can offer so much to the creation while living in its simple majesty, can you only imagine, My Friend, how incomparable is YOUR worth? Just by being, you contribute so much to the industry and dynamism of the earth and its orbits. You - a living breathing agent of transmutation and transformation.
Your physical system is one of the greatest forces of nature...moving and transporting air, water, earth in the form of food, and other forces of nature into higher frequency art forms of the Lord God's creation. Your very presence is a sustaining living cell of the creator's pulsations. When you touch something, no matter what your motivation, you transfer the golden touch of the creator light into another person, or object or place. Did you not know that your very
touch is a divine gift?
Never mind what your mind might say to you. For you mind has become full of false ideas (false idols as it were) laid onto you by corrupted minds that wish to control you and use your forces for their own ends. But underneath the covering of your mind is your very own full rich storehouse of the power of the God creator. An endless stream of God creator divine light particles. They are yours to use anytime and anyway you choose. That is your free will invested in you by the creation force and principles.
What do you do with your endless supply of god light particles? Well, some people have become conscious of them, and use them to heal, to uplift, to send forth good thought forms into the creative weave of the universe. Or they can be used to help others, create collectivly uplifting projects such as public works, community improvement projects, sustainable living projects that support and sustain others in the journies of their natural life cycles.
Some people are still waiting to wake up to the abundance of god light particles within themselves. And to experience the incredible joy and satisfaction that comes from utilizing these particles within the natural cycles and forces of nature and the creation.
Some darkened energy patterns have yet to experience the thrill of divine creation with the creator light particles within themselves. Do them a really big favor, My Friend, and help them wake up to the power within themselves.
And help them move into joy of the knowing of the endless light and love within themselves.
Did you know that the light is simulaneous with the love. When the light is freely pulsing and vibrating, the emotional body experiences it as thrills of loves, as ecstasy raptures, as blissful joy and extreme happiness. When one is in this state of experiencing the abundance of the creator's light within oneself, then one cannot go about bashing and trashing another in the misguided hope of somehow getting some of their love and light for themselves.
Quite the contrary, My Friend! The more you give your light and love to another, the more flows through you. Pretty good system, huh?
The more you give, the more you get. So you can NEVER outgive the prosperity streams of the creator. Each time you give some of your light particles, some of your innate abundance, the bigger your channel of abundance inside yourself becomes. Then the more abundance you can hold and the more abundance flows through you.
Thank you God creator!
Copyright 2005 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
AUGUST 16, 2005
Last night I asked Master Kirael to help with sleep state programming to receive knowledge from the
So today's inspiration is
Life is made up of limitless abundance. What you call money is just a made up word for one tiny stream of the richness and abundance of the universe. The creator's abundance exists way before and way beyond what you in the human realm call money. Money, even in its fullness on this planet, is just a tiny tiny drop in the fullness of the creation.
Please do not think that the above means you should disregard money. Money is also one of the creator's gifts to you as you live in this current time and this current cycle and this current place where the money system is utilized. So money can be a gift to you to utilize in this system. Just do not confuse it with the creator's ability or the richness of the universe itself!
You have within you all the power to create immense wealth including money with the power of your cleansed and pristine mind. By sending out a ray of pure thought intention, of the golden light originating in your third eye, blessed by the divine light, you can magnetize all sorts of wealth to yourself.
Good wealth that is used to serve others. Remember, God's universe is built on service, so the more you serve, the more you magnetize to yourself.
In a related vein if you put out greedy or grub or grab thoughtforms, in time, those thought forms will intermingle with your purer thought forms and either sabotage them, bring them down, infect them, or even eventually infect and destroy them.
So the sadhana - the enlightening spiritual practices - of constantly monitoring, correcting and improving your thoughtforms are integral to living a full rich human life. All your great human philosophers and spiritual teachers have brought you this wisdom in the teachings of how to life a rich and abundant life.
Pay heed to this divine wisdom, My Dear Ones!
Some people think money has power. But that is a misconception. When God the creator wishes to bless you, money is irrelevant. Have you ever seen a begger suddenly rise to become very rich and live in a palace? These kinds of things are simply evidence of the richness of the creator beyond money.
The power of money is the power behind the power! Make peace and friends with that power, My Friends, and watch that power explode in your life!
Sometimes you see people disregard money. That is because they are either testing out the richness of the creation independent of money, or they have previously experienced the richness of the creation without money, so don't choose to fall into a false trap of limited understanding about money. Lack of interest in money does not necessarily mean one is crazy - which is a judgement people who have money sometimes make about those who don't
utilize money!
Review of the daily writing as explained by Master Kirael: "I'll drop my first message into the bucket with you!"
1. Write question.
2. Take a few prana breaths.
3. Take pen & quill & write it.
4. Call up someone and read it to them.
5. You are already an active channel.
6. Make a little are a teacher. Help LOTS of people!
YOU MUST LET DOWN YOUR GUARD, YOUR FENCES, YOUR SUSPICIONS , AND OPEN UP YOUR CROWN CHAKRA, AND YOUR HEAD AND YOUR HEART AND LET THE river of abundance flow down through you. Let it gush through you . Do not try to block it in any way. If you impede its process, you will impede your own progress and your own process.
The river of abundance is unbroken through all the worlds. It is a direct and divine stream from god the creator himself (Engish language does not contain words that are beyond male and female, so the standard English pronouns are used here by default - not as an intentional definition). Simply be and let it be - flowing thoughout you unceasingly. That is how to be a CHANNEL OF ABUNDANCE! A flowing river of light and being, of allowing and channeling. Through these modalities, you can connect with the streams of abundance that are all around you. Unceasingly. Forever!
So be it! Blessed be it! Mahalo!
Foot note from Pat: The Goddess energies in Indian spiritual systems talk about the goddesses as divine rivers. Ie. Sarawsati (river of divine knowledge and wisdom). Lakshmi (river of divine dharma - rightful actions - and wealth - 8 kinds of wealth). Ganga (revered by the name of the physical river Ganges), a powerful force from the creator which brought all manner of good things onto the earth plane, and which only the force and presence of the divine (Lord Shiva) could transmute the energies down to a level that the earth could receive without being destroyed by the tremendous force of this current. Lord Shiva catching the flow of Ganga energies and modulating it to earth frequencies is a classic representation in Indian art. The supreme Lord Shiva catches it in his hair - which is a mass of dreadlocks - to receive, hold, and manage the incredible divine flow.)
Copyright C 2005 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
1. First, set yourself down to receive the good, vibrant pulsating particles of light throbbing in the universe. They are a force-field full of living prana (the living intention of the creator god).
2. Then, breathe them deeply into every cell of your being, all the way down into your toes. Don't leave any place unturned nor unfilled.
3. Circulate the golden prana particles all through your system, churning them up and around by deep breathing. When you are saturated with these particles, you will then be in the space to create.
4. Hold the thought form, let the words rise to the surface and create a visualization of your desired creation.
5. Then send it forth into the universe with love and thanksgiving.
6. Repeat this little exercise daily for however long you wish til your creation manifests.
With Abundance & Gratitude
Copyright C 2005 Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved
Contact info:
Here is an interesting exercise in realizing your abundance .
Simply list all the great beings of light in your life - including any that you have ever even heard of, for hearing their names connects you to their vibrations. To give you a few insights into the power of this exercise, here are just a few names that came to me. When you start listing your own, you will be amazed! (These are in no particular order - just as the names occured in free-association style to me as I was counting up my abundance. This exercise serves to constantly increase conscious awareness of much abundance is in our lives.
* My Life Master & Friend and lineage
* Master Kirael & Kahu Fred Sterling
* Milk Baba (
* Swami Vishvadevananda, several Indian ashrams, saints, and enlightened masters
* Swami Puri, NY & India
* Many Indian saints and gurus and enlightened beings I met at the Kumbha Mela in India, in Kathmandu, in Tibet, etc.
* Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdelan
* The Buddha, Tibetan monks, monasteries, lamas, teachings
* Maori spirits
* Ben's spirit guides (
* Babaji -5000 years old
* Legions of Angels of Abundance
* Archangels Michael, Gabriel, etc.
* my 5 angels
* Vandevairagybhairava, my spirit throne angel
* Dr. Emoto
* so many more I cannot name them all
Now you have fun adding up your own list. You might like to post this list where you see it frequently, and can add to it frequently as names pop into your consciousness. You will never feel lonely again!
Pat shares an experience of bringing in these messages from another dimension:
"As I channel in this message, I breathe in the golden particles of abundance - the photon particles, and fill myself with the vibration and frequency of LOVE. LOVE the highest vibration. The LOVE Master Jesus spoke of so highly. LOVE the one St. Paul exclaimed excelled above all other attainments. L-O-V-E.*
"I breathe in the divine abundance of LOVE through my crown chakra, and let it irradiate my skull, head, neck, torso.
"Breath it deep down into my belly, my groin, my legs. Let it tingle in my feet and toes. And let it slide down my arms and into my typing fingertips. I make a little prayer to empty myself out of all that is except for the message from the golden particles of the messages of abundance that are to flow through me today. I close my eyes and let the message filter out through my finger tips which are rapidly typing this message away. Then I peek to see if all the words are spelled OK, and am amazed to see what my hands have transcribed onto the paper! Ah!"
*The most famous scripture on LOVE
St Paul: 1 Corinthians
Chapter 13 - 1 If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal
2 And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. -
- 3 If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.
- 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated,
- 5 it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,
- 6 it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
- 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
- 8 Love never fails . If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.
- 9 For we know partially and we prophesy partially,
- 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.
- 11 When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I grew up, I put aside childish things.
- 12 At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.
- 13 So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
New American Bible.
Pat Comments on the process of receiving and transcribing these mesages:
I just continue to breathe in the prana breath. My spirit guides have been after me for the past hour to sit down and receive a transmission....I made them wait while I finished the dishes and took a flurry of incoming phone calls! But they inwardly smile at me, because time is not an issue with them at all. They just didn't want me to get too busy with human world activities and crowd them out of my schedule!!!
I love channelling in these messages of abundance . I know they will help many people, as the few people I have test-shared them on have given feedback of rapid and profound shifting. One Friend said she could feel her DNA shifting as she read the first message that Master Kirael inspired the first night of the broadcast when he publicly on the webcast gave me this assignment. Another Friend said she felt tingly all over and messages really reverberated with her.
Channelling these messages, I have noticed myself shifting into greater acceptivity of the divine impulses flowing through me. I have faithfully tried to follow Master Kirael's advise to let anything that comes come through unimpeded. This transmission is really fun, and I look forward to it each day.
I hear the words inside my head, like a record playing a soundtrack, and then I just type them out - letting the words flow through my fingertips. Or if I am doing a healing or chanelling session for someone, I just let the words flow through my mouth, as I hear them inside myself. Sometimes I know which great being of light is speaking these words, but more often I don't know. When I am in the flow of the chanelling, I feel so at peace, so harmonized, so relaxed, so invigorated, so happy to be of service. One part of my mind is watching the scene and listening to the words.
Another part of me is dictating that I shouldn't make any individual reaction - holding everything of my personality in abeyance - just get the transmission down as accurately as possible. Then when I am done, I just walk away from it - so as not to influence my mind for future events. Then when I read it to someone, I am always amazed at what flowed through on the divine river of abundance!
All this work makes the spirit guides very very happy, as they have many important messages and wisdoms to get to the earth people at this time.
I think I have been chosen for this work because of the particular journey of study and discovery I have done on this life journey, which gives me the vocabulary and understanding of certain principles that reverberate and are in alignment with the messages this particular set of spirit guides wish to transmit. I am delighted to be of service in partnership in this way!"
SEPTEMBER 28, 2005
A period of earthquakes, hurricanes, and other shake-ups.
Ah, welcome back Dear Transcriber!
(My computer has been at computer doctor hospital for 3 weeks - the levees in New Orleans are not the only thing that crashed!)
We have missed you as you have missed us. Thank you for praying to us and staying in touch during this hiatus when your computer was not working. We appreciate your discontent that you could not commune with us on this project, and that you were constantly thinking of us and wanting to get this project underway. We have actually worked with you to get your computer updated and frequency uplifted to go with you on your upcoming travels so that you could get much done on our behalf on your sojourns.
Did you not, during this time of computerless living, remember how simple and slower life can be without the technological wonders of the digital age. (This is not to suggest one should go back to a pre-technological age, as much is afoot on this planet right now, and we need everyone to be in mass communication with others - for real, not through controlled news and propaganda - but the real news of the spreading of the love in the human hearts - from one to each other.)
* * *
Now, for the subject at hand today! ABUNDANCE IN CRISIS!
What to do when all else is failing all around you.
When buildings come crashing down, when waves come crashing up, when your life seems all ajumble. Please remember! We are always with you. You are never alone, even in the darkest night when all seems to be washing away. For the washing away is but a cleansing, a much needed cleansing of the earth and her peoples at this time. (This was the time of Hurrican Katrina in New Orleans, USA).
Now, I ask you, My Dear Friend, what is most important in your life. Has not much been predicated on what is false in your world? Aren't you tired of things being down from false foundations. Or solid foundations that subsequently crumble, leaving you and your projects in crumbles and ruins?
Wherein lies this falsehood? Is it in the individual soul? In the fabric ofyour society? Is it not an interweaving of many sources? Many pollutants get in a divine stream and attempt to muddy the waters. But, My Dear Friend, in God's divine stream of abundance, there can be no pollution. For God's stream of abundance is pure and ever flowing, ever pristine, ever fresh. The constantly flowing stream of God particles of abundance - the eternal river Ganges, if you will.
In the Indian scriptures and other spiritual traditions, there are many references to holy and divine rivers, holy and divine waters. These divine rivers and waters exist in the etheric planes, and in the lake of the mind of God. They are very real, very powerful and very present. That is why they are extolled so highly by spiritual beings of high calibre. Your physical system of rivers and lakes are reflections, impressions, of these etheric divine rivers and lakes. That is why even your nature rivers and lakes are so highly venerated and adored by nature lovers on your planet. When people seek peace and tranquility, they go to nature. They put up pictures and photos of nature all around. That is their contact with the divine force underlying all principles and physical phenomena.
When you see nature all around you cleansing herself, and her world, which you share with her - nature taking a shower, so to speak - you should be jubilant, My Folks, as your world is getting a divine washing, an uplifting of her frequencies. I know it doesn't sound or feel like it from your perspective when it is happening, as your worlds go all ajumble. But if you can ride out the storm, you will come out far ahead when all is said and done. And remember that many souls are choosing to go back into the particle light of the creator as they drop their physical
layers at these times. And remember the abundance of love that is taking these souls back home at their own request during these times.
Do you notice that when a storm comes to town, some places are washed, and others remain standing? This is not idle randomness, my Friend. No, this is the cleansing force of nature and the creator working together to cleanse and purify your earth. For many have heaped unnecessary and bad destructive habits into their earthy activities. And these bad destructive habits are not good for those who practice them, nor for those who are the recipients of the results of this
Your earth is SO BEAUTIFUL , My Friends! In response to the cries and prayers of many, your earth is being washed and uplifted. And the many is not just the humans, my Friends, but the many animals, plants, trees, rocks, stones, articles of the mother earth's body that are being desecrated and hurt continuously. No, the time has come for fulfilment of the prayers of the innocent, the long-suffering, the lovers of God and the rightousness of the divine order.
So we leave you today, my Friend, and wish you well in all your endeavors. Use EVERY encounter, weather it be with man, woman, child, beast, blade of grass, tree - object on your desk - any and everything - to be in service with the creator light, and remember and practice the great LOVE of which you are made. For what is service to the creator light, my Friend, but love, love, love. Spreading the sweet healing balm of love in all your endeavors, in everything you touch, and with all that you meet - even for a fleeting glance. Practice Love, My Friend, and in that you will become more and more the divine blessing of Abundant LOVE.
Your Team in Love!
copyright Pat Crosby, 2005. All right reserved.

OCTOBER 8, 2005
Photo Copyright 2005, Pat Crosby. All rights reserved.
Blessings, Dear One!
Thank you for this perfect day. Today is perfect in the syncronicity of events - of all happenings. Much is happening very rapidly in today's events. These events are not just in this dimension that you inhabit, dear earthlings! For the screens between our worlds are dissolving more and more - bit by bit. This dissolution is not just for the so-called spiritual people - but for the everyday garden variety of people who are also having their veils thinned more and more.
Thank you for your gift of teaching and support for people as they are in their waking up journies. My love is always with each and every one of my creation. My love is more abundant that anything people can imagine
My love for my creation grows more and more with each passing day. It is not that once upon a time I created people and the creations everywhere in all the universes. No, I created my worlds, and now I watch them grow and struggle and take new shapes and forms in front of my eyes. And my heart goes out to them for their valiant struggles to shape their worlds, to become more than they have ever been, to assume the shapes of realities and grow and prosper in new dimensions.
Did you know that even the dimensions are still growing my friend . My universes are unfolding. In so doing they are expanding and turning sideways and become more and more. Sometimes they shrink and become less and less. This is called the DANCE OF THE PLAY OF THE UNIVERSES. It is so throughout my creations, and it is so in your own creation. For each facet of your life is your creation - and you have created many universes within the folds of the fabric of your own being, My Friends.
Do you not have the universe of your every day reality? The universe of your unending light - when you close your consciousness to this waking state dimension and fold into other dimensions? Sometimes you can ride the light out into the infinity of the universes. All with the power of that wonderful device we call the human mind. For what is the human mind but a wondrous piece of my own wholeness stuck in the center of your being to radiate and reflect my wholeness throughout everything. You are truly made of the greatness, the wholeness of my own being. That is truly the greatest abundance .
You see, even the world abundance has DANCE imbedded in it. Words are magic formulas, magic door openers into other dimensions if you know how to use them. Shamans and mystical practitioners know this artful science. The power of a world is such that it can unlock and unfold the myriad of my universes simply through intoning the word in the right way. (By right, I mean not as a judgement, but as an inflection, a vibration, an intonation of a very high order - with knowledge, skill and intent.) Whole cultures exist where the science of the intonation of words give rise to the conscious power of words. When you throw out words with frivolity, the abundance of their potency is not utilized, my Dear Ones. And thus you do not know the full power of the abundance of sound you hold within your very own self.
Have you not heard of shamans who can intone certain words to bring the rains. Or to stop the rains? Is this not an extraordinaire gift of abundance.
I had our transcriber look around the internet to see what people think abundance means. So many sites think of abundance as terms of raising money. Raising money abundance is only one tiny little sliver of my reality, My Dearest Ones. For those who have learned how to raise money can then advance to the next levels of understanding about abundance. It is by tapping into the oceans of all that is that you can construct with these divine and conscious entities. (You see how strange these word constructs sound in English because in English people don't usually talk about these things at this level. Other dimensional beings find the way average English-speaking people talk about abundance is also very strange! - I feel all my guides making very big smiles)
Mortals also have very strange ideas about what constitutes being alive. Oftentimes they think that only forms that match their forms or similar forms (ie with heads, arms and legs coming off a central body part) are containers of the life energy. But that concept is so wrong that it is quite amusing to us, my Friend. My life force, the conscious, invigorating streams of my intentions, both conscious and unconscious, fills many containers, many vehicles, many containers. My conscious life intention is in rocks, in galaxies, in stars of all descriptions, in you, in cats, in dogs, in life forms from other dimensions that you cannot yet recognize. Life forms that are so varied you could fill volumes and volumes and volumes of information of your computer chips and not even begin to categorize all that is and what remains to be!
Is your mind beginning to stretch a bit My Friends? I hope so, for as you wake up more and more to other facets of the creation you share with your brothers and sisters throughout my universes, you will become more and more like me in my wholeness.
Your typist is having trouble following my words here, as her own consciousness is being held in check to this dimension so she can capture these transmissions for you - but secretly she would love to let go and go into these other dimensions of which I speak! She is a good traveller. One night I showed her the plethora of a variety of life forms in other dimensions. She remembered this parade of my manifestations, and her mind has been permantly altered. Another night I showed how how my different life forms replicate themselves. That literally blew her mind! That took her quite some time to incorporate into her beingness of the human experience! That is abundance you could not think of yourself, my Dear One.
My guide to the human realm, my transcriber, is filling the fullness of my presence with her for now, my Dear Ones.
So I bid adieu til she is ready for another transmission from beyond your current reality!
Mahaaaaalo! (Hawaiian-Lemurian for Thank You. HA also means The Supreme Spirit in Sanskrit and other ancient star languages.)
OCTOBER 10, 2005
We welcome you again to our comraderie and our high spirits!
We are so jubilant at everything that is happening on your earth plane right now. So many souls are leaving your planet with its frequency and migrating to other dimensions with vibrations more pleasing to their soul's intentions. Do not be misled by news photos showing the grimacing faces of those in turmoil. Those who are CHOOSING to leave are leaving in love and glory, escorted by legions of angels of abundance to their new heavenly homes and abodes. And some souls are just wishing to go explore new territories in the creator's universes. And
just sort of oppressed by the limitations of the physical dimension you call earth. Is this choice of options not ABUNDANCE OF A VERY HIGH ORDER, My Friends?
For what is abundance but not the choice of MANY options - many universes, many friends in many dimensions, many experiences, many abundant vacations in different frequencies. You, My Friend, have the options now to explore to your heart's content. Yes, many are choosing to stay here, just as they chose to come here originally. And many have completed their missions and visitation here, and are going elsewhere. It is that simple! POOF and you are gone somewhere else! Rest assured, our legions of Angels are standing at the ready to help each and every soul migrate to another dimension upon request! We are most happy to be of service to you all, and to participate in your grand planetary evolution. Truly it IS a very special moment in time!
And on the subject of TIME! TIME is also very abundant. Time is a tunnel, a portal. Time is imagined walls that hold one dimension in place, and allow finite mind power to hold a reality together. Time allows a sequencing of events in a mental order that permits dissecting and exploration and understanding of events and undertakings. When the walls of time are dissolved - either as the soul dissolves from a dimensional holding pattern (called a body),
or through the high process of meditative states - you are re-aquainted and re-minded of your universal nature - your soul self that lives and flys and floats outside of any limited dimensional exploration of your own choosing.
Blessings on the grand day! This golden day of cosmic opportunities. Be sure to enjoy your earth days and earth nights, for you but stay on this limited dimension for a very brief spell, and then you are gone!
So enjoy it to the fullest, My Friend. For you have surely earned this reward of vising this very grand planet. Your ABUNDANCE is unlimited. Allow your mind to open to the fullness of all possibilities!
" WOW! How to create through love.
"This is very important information that is not available any place else that I have seen --- this information is such that an awake person can create --- and has a FORMULA to create --- wealth through love. How to create and exactly how it works.
"This revelation is timely right now, as people's awakening is accelerating. This information would have been incomprehensible last year. Those of us who studied Yogananda would have heard this years ago, but not in such a concise, useful formula.
"The connection between wealth and love is unknown to most people. Creating Wealth through LOVE. It strikes me how many zillion of volumes I have read on wealth and love. But they never talk about how an ordinary human being can create wealth through love.
"...exceedingly advanced spiritual concepts in a very practical way. How to create through love."
OCTOBER 19, 2005
KONA, Hawaii
My prayer Request
"Angels of Legions of Abundance: Please come into me now and deliver a message for me to transcribe."
Next I breathe in golden particles of Divine Lemurian prana....the prana of peace and light....and wait for the message to come and the words to form. I await, empty... and now, today's message!
My Child!
Are you ready to receive me now? I await on you. I am always here, available for you. I await you eternally, endlessly. I am forever offering you shelter in the place of my love and my light.
Yet it is your human perogative to turn a hard face into my light, and to block my abundance rays of fulfillment for your divine journey on earth . I am forever offering you the highest truth, the highest teachings, the highest energy, the unending streams of my consciousness with all its attendant abundance.
It is a great mystery to me why people turn against my streams of abundance and light. When I set up the universe and your galaxy and your special quadrant of it with your special world and planets, I incorporated into it an endless array of streams of light and manifestation energy for you to utilize. I assigned special angels to be of service and work with this part of the universe and directly with you, My Dear Budding Souls, to see that you have absolutely everything that you could ever possibly need or desire on your sojourn of relative existence.
Yet my dear human family has put a lock on their consciousness, has turned themselves off from receiving my abundance. This sitation is a great puzzle and mystery to me. Humans often think that I am mysterious to them. But humans should know that they are also mysterious to me!
If you have ever been parents, you know of what I speak! You create your children in love and in passion. And as they form and you give them birth, you only hope for the absolute highest and best for them. Yet as they come of age and form their own separate identities and existences, they often MUST turn against you simply to have the joyous experience of creating their own identity. Truly this individuation of my streaming creations is one of the greatest miracles of my creative endeavors! I am privileged to witness this amassing forth of my consciousess into finer and finer realms of specialization and minute universes of existence.
THANK YOU! My Dear Human Family, for using your blessing-filled birthright of defining your own creations. I truly take great delight and inspiration from watching what you create! I even get some ideas from you for my own continuing creation projects!
Yet I am puzzled as to why you take such great delight in denying the abundance of my creative streams that you have in your makeup, and then watching you whining and screaming and crying that you don't have enough! Enough food. Enough love. Enough health. Enough money. Enough relationships. Enough enough. Fill in your blanks my Dearest of the Dear Ones!
I know not what else to give you. For I have already given you my all- I created you holding my all in your matrix blueprint - it is your cosmic universal DNA inheritence - your direct makeup with my very own source of all that is.
As I examine and study this mystery in my creation, I wonder if there is truly some mistake. Can there even be a mistake in the perfection of all there is? People often think I plan every little minutia of their individual existences. But that is totally wrong, My Dear Friends! I give YOU the gift of creation - which is equal to my creative nature - so that you can truly have the joy of creating and manifesting whatsoever you desire. I imbue you with all the tools, all the energies, all the frequencies to create whatever you will. To draw whatever picture of your life that you want to create then explore. Don't you just love a good adventure journey?!
It is to explore and resolve this great mystery that I have assigned the Legions of the Angels of Abundance to come forth at this time and communicate, through Pat, my sincerest desire that you, My Children, my own dearest sparks of my very own self, that you should realize you are not different from me - that you have the full capacity to create whatever you desire and thus be fulfilled in all your needs.
Through the ages and aeons, I and my assigned angels have inspired many great philosophers, sages, saints, mystics (so called because they report news directly from me and my top council of ministers) to convey this highest truth to you, my created self-sparks. Again, this day in your earth world and in your earth journey, I send yet another to remind you of who you are and what you are capable of creating due to your birthright and your divine energetic inheritence. Have you not heard from my special son messenger that "whatsoever works I have done, YOU will do greater!" This is not small talk, my Friends. This is the GOSPEL OF CREATION ACCORDING TO ME.
Please me and gladden my heart by becoming, by manifesting, all that you are. THOU ART THAT THOU ART! I need not replenish you, my Children, for you are already completely full . Full of potential! Full of creative spirit! Full of the ABUNDANCE OF ALL THAT THERE IS! Go forth now, and manifest fully, to your heart's content!
My Blessings are always - and forever have been -- fully and abundantly with YOU! Please FULLY ACCEPT THEM!
Reader Comment:
"I can't believe what I just heard. I am overwhelmed. This is God expressing himself as God. This could make a fantastic book. God's comments on various facets of humans experiences. Accept them all, write them all. In the book Conversations with God, God does not talk about what he thinks and feels. He talks about what people need to know. What is unique here is how God feels about how people think and behave.
He tells exactly how he feels about what we do and our actions. Gently expresses his reactions to our behaviours."
Adrienne Hamner, Ashford, Oregon
NOVEMBER 10, 2005
Abundance! Ah, Sweet Abundance! How sweet the sound!
Today, we talk about the abundance of peace on earth. So many think the intense fightings and wars means there is a lack of God's creative force on earth. That all is lost in darkness, and gloom and evil forbodings of things worse yet to coe.
But I assure you, my children, my BELOVED children that all this is not my doing. Nor my undoing. All this is the creation of you, my children, you and your brothers and sisters and cousins and relations. Some just like to fight and struggle and carry out their dastardly plans, irrelevant of the concerns and rights of others. This is not abundance of thoughts my dear ones. No, it is abundance of misery and poverty and lack and thinking poorly.
Some of the Indian scriptures talk of such dastardly designs, talks, words, anti-christ, anti-Gd, anti the creator. But rest assured, my friends, that all this display of powers is just part of the bounty of the creator that you, as a human, can exercise your unlimited wills to create and create and create whatever kind of world you desire to inhabit and explore. You can create a world of abundance and joy, or one of fear and punishment, torture and denial.
But even this scenario is an abundance of choices, is it not? A world wide force of fun and delight. Or do you choose darknes and gloom. Do you not see that it us all YOUR choice? I, the creator, do not choose for you. Nor do I tell you what to do. I give you the tools, and say "Go Have Fun...explore, explore explore". I, the creator,want to see what you can create, you delightful sparks of my own godhood, my own consciousness, my own life creator force.
I am always with you. I am in you. Just as blood is in your body, breath is in your body, I, too, am in your body. Just as your bloods leaves your body, your breath leaves your body permantly and my spirit - riding on your breath - draws out of your body. Then you are pronounced some degree of dead or aliveness, depending on the richnes and the fullness of my living presence in you.
Know that I am never dead to you. You and I are alive and one in spirit. You are like a little flicker or my most brillliant and awesome flame. The flame of my abundance fills all the worlds, all the universes, and then some. It extends so far, I cannot comprehend it mself.
Therefore, I seek your help to help me define the limitations, the boundaries of my existence. Or to shed light on the question if I, God, the creator, even have any limits or not. I do not know the extent of my greatness. Only through your explorations of my universes do I get the feedback to know who I am - what I am. So in this, there is an extreme abundance in possibilities, in exploring the edges and boundaries of my creations, of your creations, of our creations.
Thus it is in your birthright, your codings of DNA, your great soul memories, that there ARE no limitations. There ARE no lost relationships. There are no lost regrets. Nay everything is just as it should be - evolving ever more into the abundant light of all possibilities.
Whatever limitations you have created around yourself are all steeped in abundance and great joy of creation. So go ahead, and CREATE CREATE CREATE my Noble Children, my Royal Offsring. It is through the mediumship of your agency of creation that I can actually know who I am and what my powers can do.
So thank you again, and again, and again, oh mother earth, brother stars, supreme light of the universe, for all your loving support, for our total abundance of delight and joy and endlessly unfolding creations. Be abundant! Go forth and multiply your creations, my beloved Chilren.
Daddy God
NOVEMBER 21, 2005
Thank you, My Dear Friend, for listening and recording these discourses on abundance, prosperity, and well-being. Our mission, our lives, are about creating the maximum manifestation of the creator God's magnificent potentials. Creating the abundance of all that is. So I officialy dub you CO-CREATOR. You can put that on your business card if you like!
Today, let's do a little rally of all the magnificent beings who have come into your life. We will start with a general list that humans on your planet can attain to, and have some relationship with - even if just hearing their names. For if you hear the vibration of a name, you can also take in the essence of this energy pattern. That is why in certain eastern traditions, monks and lay persons meditate for long periods of times on high frequency names. Could be names of saints, living or passed on masters who have attained much, gods and goddesses who are high energy patterns of the creator. And the different names of different aspects of the creator - which are usually called mantras in certain traditions.
Repeating over and over, singing with love, imprints that frequency on your soul. That is why, when you go into a religious spiritual place, you will have sacred music, repeating over and over and over again. It is a way to connect and raise frequencies. Over time, it also lays a cable of light between you and the source of that sound. And also unites you and the object of that sound, ie the one whose name you are repeating. Now that is an investment on your time! A hot wire, direct line to the creator and the different division heads of the universes.
A little aside here, Dear Readers. The recorder of these messages asked to input her concerns - that whoever works with these principles of creation should be guided for the highest good of all, and that all these principles can only be used in the furtherance of the good. That is because, not only is she of the divine light essence of the universe, but she studied and gave workshops many years for our friend and family member St. Germaine. And St. Germaine is very strict that his work can ONLY be used in the highest light and for the good and welfare of all. So there are automatic brakes in this process that will prevent anyone from using these principles to create dark energies that can be harmful or disruptive to other energy forces.
Enough said on this important factor in our discussions here today.
Now to proceed with the topic at hand today: The ABUNDANCE OF YOUR ANGELS OF LIGHT! We are using this term "angels" in its broadest connotation today - meaning any beings of light who travel in the etherics. So that definiton will take in what are commonly thought of as "angels", guides, saints, the god-goddess realm, and even the supreme creator self. And also some humans who have become skillful at travelling in the etherics for the good of helping all.
Our definition of "helping all" is bringing the most love, the most light, the most peace, the most well-being, the most intelligence - the most of the good and divine qualities and characteristics to each and every inhabitant of your universe. Anything that is created for the benefit of one or a small group at the expense or distress of another being, is not divine abundance. It is a trade with the devil - the evil force - which wishes to expand itself at a cost to other creatures and other facets of the creator's masterpiece - the creation. For did you not know that all is created to live in harmony with each other. To admire, to expand, to exchange energy with. No creator need starve or struggle to sustain another creator.
Indeed, that is why the creator built-in life cycles and created the element of time to give each creature a natural and appropriate time of manifested existence. When that time is completed, a creator may - with great joy - give up its form and return to the completeness of its soul power and presence and return to the creator's light filled bin.
But I digress, Dear Friends! We will discuss these earthy matters another session in further details!
Going back to counting the high frequency great beings in YOUR life.
Most likely these are names you and most humans know: Jesus, Buddha, Allah, God, Brahma, Shiva, Grandfather, Supreme Spirit. Think of saints you know: Mary, John, Peter, Paul, Namdev, Tukaram, Janeshwar, etc. Think of Masters you know: Kirael, Baba Ji, Yogananda Paramahamsa, etc. Think of angels you know: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, etc. Think of all the high frequency beings you can. I suggest you write down a list - just let the names flow out of your consciousness back onto the template of your mind and into some written form. Then post these names where you can see tham and take in their essence every day. WRITE AS MANY NAMES AS YOU CAN, for this exercise is to call forth from your consciousness the rich abundance you carry within your very own self. And then relish and nurture this abundance, and let these high frequencies manifest in the nitty-gritty fibre and fabric of your worlds. Do this exercise with a friend to really juice up your memories!
Blessings to each and every one of you in this glorious time and space in Paradise!
Photo: Copyright 2005, Pat Crosby. All rights reserved.
Reader Comment:
"When spirit speaks though, he speaks with a full vocabularly. God doesn't have a physical body...he has to experience through ourselves."
Adrienne Hamner, Ashford, Oregon
December 3, 2005
Today, I feel Master Kirael's energy all about me as I transcribe this message.
Welcome my beloved earth Child - to the transmissions of the energies of abundance.
On your sweet and beloved earthplane, there are many many many energies afoot these days. Energies that are searching to destroy the older orders of limited thinking, limited manifesting, limitations in terms of one can have only if another doesn't have. That is the limitations of lack.
Let me contrast that for you with the energies of fulfillment and complete abundance. These very high frequeny energies come to you from many many many different dimensions. They also come to you from source itself. We, who assist in bringing you these energies, happily work on this assignment to transmit these higher frequencies into the mix and weaving of energies of your earth plane.
Indeed, many of us have even jumped into the pool of manifestation that you call your planet earth. The earth that we call the "great shining one". For your mother earth shines with all the fullness and richness and joy of complete manifestation.
Do you not know that at this time and place, there is a complete assemblage of all the energies of the creator force on your planet. There is an accessing of portals that are opening up now on your planet, allowing energies to flow in and out through the dimensional walls with greater and greater abandon. Truly, there is a cosmic dance of magnificent proportions happening on your earth planet right now, my dear and sweetest ones!
I salute you for being present on this great earthship of Mother Earth on athis time. It is a great ride you are on. Not necessarily an easy one - we, your angels and guides of abundance - know that for sure. Yet truly a rare one, and one of the rarest, most magnificent, precious, and meritorious of any in the creator's universes.
My heart trembles with love for your journey, my earth-soul friends. How great is your courage and your love to come into this manifestation at this time and partake of this noble journey cause for the creator's great satisfaction. The creator is joyously watching and anticiating the unfolding of the divine plan of prosperity and abundance for every creature on this planet now.
SoI ask you now, please do not choose limitation and lack and poverty thinking. Instead, choose the greatest abundance for yourself and others. The more you choose to give and share, the greater will be you reciprication. It is not a time for hoarding, but a time for giving, giving, giving. Give your knowledge, your love, share your gifts, your magical presences with each other. Come together in joyous celebrations and loving-kindness. Gather together and mastermind prayer and healing for this earth. Celebrate while you do so.
Celebrate the oneness of life, the oneness of spirit, the oneness of your journies together. Each day, gather together - as fellow earth beings - and/or as with your family of light friends in different dimensions, for we are all here with you now, my Dearest Friend. Count you innumerable and abundant blessings. Focusing on your great blessings will increase your electro-magnetic radiance and frequency. And like a great beatiful magnet, you will draw more and more higher frequency magnetic things to your self.
Those of you studying the frequencies and processes of manifestation, know that the dream of your planet is held together by electromagnetic frequencies. Your mind is constantly creating electro--magnetic frequencies, for that is what you are made of.
Radiations of the creator's mind. It is YOUR CHOICE as to which cycle speed of these electromagnetic frequencies you pulse and circulate forth. And these pulsations and frequencies radiating from your very own mind totally determine your own reality.
Isn't that exciting! What power you have! The Power within YOU and every human being. Placed there directly by the creator being him/herself. And the creator gave you the same joy in watching your creations unfold as he/she has in watching the whole vast show unfold! Amazing, isn't it? Enjoy the show from your front row seat on planet earth!
I remain YOURS, in service and love.
One of the highest of the angels, guardians, and guides of the legions of abundance.
PS: For those who want to inquire as to who I am, or who I represent, let me say this: I transmit to you, through Pat, the considered opinion of our vast councils of inter-dimensional beings who look after you planetary system and your section of the universes. I have been choosen to be the spokesperson for our collective wisdom and considerations. In this case, which information to transmit to your species at this time and place to help you grow in divine love, wisdom, and joy. Therefore, my name is irrelevant to you at this time. Indeed, you couldn't even pronounce it in earth speak. It is far better, in our considered opinions, that you own your own truth, your own inner power, your own light, and not think that you need ours to manifest fully your journies on your lovely planet earth at this time. So do not despair, nor get sucked into a vortex of frequencies that are not of your choice.
Excelsior, my Dear Friends, in your own great and god-like light!
From the ONE in many.
Reader Comment:
" What I like about it, is - I realize who it is (who is inspiring this project - meaning Master Kirael) which makes me feel very good.
"It will be widely accepted because it is very clear. I don't know how you put it into words, but I am very glad it is happening...and happening to you (Pat) because you have paid your dues. You are deserving.
"There is another way to put it. The second part is not even necessary. You're the one he picked to do this. He realizes you can do this, in all honesty and fairness. That you have business skill and practicality and will complete it. And that you know the importance of this project.
"I find it very unusual that so many ascended masters and beings are coming here to help us at this time. So obviously we are very very important.
"We don't realize how important this earth plane is and how unique it is compared to so many of thousands and thousands of other planets. We're just the right distance from the sun and we have just the right atmosphere that is 15 miles thick - which protects us. And how rare and unusual this is. I don't think very many people realize this - how important we are.
"For the first time in recorded history of the human race since 1945, we have had the ability to destroy ourselves. Therefor we have reached a turning point."
Don Kiess, Kailua, Hawaii
Pat's Comment:
"Yes, it is a very interesting proposition - this 3rd dimensional reality planet. Here we have the ability to go all the way down through the layers, through the frequency zones to experience the fullness and richness of the creator energy in ALL THE DIMENSIONS. That makes this planet VERY rare. We are here to experience the fullness of the creator energy in all levels of creation. We are not here just to snort like pigs and eat as much food as we can grub at the expense of other creatures. We are here to experience the fullness of the creator's light, the creator's love, the creator's magnificence, the creator's abundance in its fullness, in ALL dimensions."
DECEMBER 4, 2005
Aloha, Dearest Hearts!
I cannot tell you how much your time and attention have met to me and to we guides. It is a rare and precious opportunity to get to talk with you humans through such a precious medium and channel as our lovely Pat. She has paid the price and earned the tuition to be an intermediary in our disucssions, and for that we thank her, and all that she stands for.
For Pat has incarnated to be of service and to help this world through these very wildly shifting times. Take heart, my dear hearts, for the world on which you inhabit is surely shifting as we speak. From our vantage point, we see the world becoming brighter and brighter - a rising star in the firmament of the heavens. And we know this increasing light value of your star planet is merely a reflection of your great dedication and resolve to help our planet evolve into a home fit for divine beings.
The Abundance of Love in your hearts is what we are capable of measuring. The manifestation of divine love through the human heart system is absolutely the greatest expression of love in the universe next to the creator. Do you know why, my dear children? It is because the resolve needed to express this love through the many layers and filters of the third dimension is truly an achievement to celebrate and celebrate and celebrate. You have, with your abundance of great love stored in your hearts, managed to shake the entire heavens with the expressions of love pouring forth from your planet.
Now you may ask, how can that be, oh great guide? Well the fact that it is simply shows how great your heart is, and how great your love is - that you can continue to radiate love throughout all these dimensions. For that I am deeply grateful, immensly proud, and I stoop to have the privilege of touching the hems of your garments.
We guides watch, with tears pouring out of our hearts - how mothers in concentration camps, or parents with starving children, or abused flood victims, or those devastated by war and corruption among their leaders, can reach out and still do one simple kind deed of love - from one human being to another.
Have you any idea how powerful such a simple kind deed of love is . Do you not know that the power of that one simple kind deed, especially in the face of abuse and destruction, reverberates throughout the whole universe with the power of success of love. That love is greater than any other force. That love survives destruction. Love empowers creation and love defies and survives destruction. How blessed blessed blessed you are, my dearest children, that you can live in this dense physical system, and still radiate the supreme love of the creator - through so many adventures on your journey. What power of the creator you have within yourselves. How Magnificent you are - have been and ever shall be.
You wear the veil of doubting your own power, and pretending you don't have it - just so you can have the unique and grand adventure of magnifying your love no matter what is happening to your external body during the process. What a bet! What players you are! Can you not see that our creator could ONLY choose beings of the highest calibre to come into these arena and wrestle like champions! Isn't that magnificent! Aren't you magnificent!
Yep! It is time for you all to wake up fully now from your slumbering dreams of forgetfulness. And REMEMBER FULLY WHO YOU ARE. You are all the epitome - the walking abundance of the creator's greatness. There is nothing you cannot do. Have the courage to shine your light brighter and brighter, my fine Friends. And let your great abundance radiate forth eternally now, to bless yourselves, and all those you come in contact with. Your shining abundance is a mesmerizing effect on the whole universe. Your inner power is immense. Respect it! Shine it! Be It!
Yours in the greatest abundance of LOVE!
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Copyright 2005, Pat Crosby. All rights reserved.
Creating abundance stretches from the high philosophical understandings of this art and science to the practical nitty-gritty of 3rd dimensional consciousness - the pool in which we live.
Private Readings are available from the Legions of Angels of Abundance.
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